Friday, January 16, 2009

Tuscan White Bean Soup with Rosemary and Kale

rebar: modern food cookbook by Audrey Alsterberg and Wanda Urbanowicz


E. said...

Julie, that's too funny. I made that soup last Saturday...thought it was ok, but a little boring and it made so much I've been eating it and eating it. But then I added chorizo sausage to a bowl and it was way better :p I hear you're a new aunty! Congrats! E.

Jessie Jönzén said...

So funny that we're all making soups. I've been on this soup kick for the past few weeks. Made 2 from our new cookbook...and 2 from 101 Cookbooks's was Cauliflower with Gorgonzola...seriously AMAZING. Yesterday I made Chunky Celery with wild rice...also very tasty! So fun! I love kale...and white I can only imagine how good this one was!