This book "How to Cook Everything " is a great resource. I definitely think it lives up to it's name! From buying and storing fruits and vegetables, to making tofu, cutting techniques, tips on storing leftovers, you name it! The recipes always offer lots of substitutions and variations. I've made a few from this book, which to be honest, are just a little hit or miss. Most of the recipes don't make very much food, so we are still hungry after dinner- or at least no leftovers for lunch. That was the case with this recipe, but now that I know that, I will just double the recipe next time! Problem solved. This recipe was quite good! Roasting the quinoa was a little twist on the usually way of preperation and I love potatoes, in any form! It was quite inexpensive. I ended up using salladlök instead of vårlök- the correct substitution for scallions, but I thought it was fine! I used a regular gouda cheese, red peppers, parsley, potatoes and garlic. In fact, the garlic was so good, I wouldn't probably double it next time! It's boiled whole, then roasted whole with the poatoes and quinoa. Not a super exciting dish, but a good one! I think Johan liked it more than I did, but I will still make it again!
Johan Scale: Weak 4"How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian" by Mark Bittman, page 561
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